Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting Ready for AB!

Yesss! I know, I know. It's still 3 weeks away, but I can't contain my excitement!

Anime Boston is a large New England anime convention hosted in Boston, MA. I've attended every convention for 3 years and this will be my 4th time going there! Anime conventions have always been excitement for me :). I love looking at the cosplayers and being able to make friends with everyone at the convention! It seems that everyone who goes is almost a part of a long distance family. Not to mention, it's a huge convention center which means that there is always a lot of people.

This year, I will be in a brand new gothic lolita dress. Last year, I dressed in black with white ribbons which I got from an ebay seller for $38. This year, I got a beautiful white dress with black ribbons and lace trimmings for $12!! :) I'm very happy. I definitely suggest ebay for any sort of costumes that you might want. I also use ebay to shop for Korean/japanese inspired clothing. It's a lot cheaper than the brandname websites, but they look the same!

As for hair and makeup, I will be putting my hair up in nice himegyaru curls~! For makeup, I will be following Michelle Phan's Tim Burton look on YT. If you haven't seen Michelle Phan's videos, you're missing ou on a lot of life! :) ( She's extremely inspirational and has changed my view on makeup.

Now on to the topic of SHOES....I don't want to have to resort to silver sandals with a pure white dress...

I also need a pair of thigh high socks...hmmm....

Lots of thinking to do! Ah well, I've got 3 weeks. :)