Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Craving the Beach!

Normally, I'm the kind of girl you'd find under a hat with long sleeves covering my skin to keep me white...Well, you could say I've changed. I began to wear shorts and a lot more T-shirts to embrace the summer weather! I don't mind getting tan, but I'm still not trying to be tan if you follow. =p Anyways, I'm glad I've come out of a shell. Honestly, I used to avoid wearing shorts because I was super self conscious of my legs. I think I've already told this story, but one day, I looked into a mirror and said, "you know what, I don't care what other people think." It's a positive and helpful way for me to look past my insecurities and keep moving forward.

I haven't swam in practically three whole years! I was really excited when I heard that my friends are joining the YMCA to go swimming more often and hey, with swimming comes the beach. Yesterday, I ran out and bought a swimsuit for $9.90 at H&M. They are currently having a deal on around five different patterns for $4.95 a piece! =) I couldn't deny the deal. You know, it's true what they say. You don't know if a swimsuit looks good on you until you try it on! I thought all the patterns were mediocre when I saw it on my own self, it actually looked very pretty and I bought it after cruising the entire mall for the best deals. I'm really in a money rut so I needed something pretty and cheap! There's no place to get that than H&M. =) I've become a dramatic fan of their store. I'll probably post pictures later of the suit. It's a bikini with multicolored stripes! Oh, 2 pairs of sunglasses for $10. What a steal! Wahahaha

Since July 4th is coming up, I'll be spending the day at my cousin's house at Quincy which is right in front of a beach. Maybe we can crack out the soleil? =) I also would love to go with my friends.

Now for the reflection corner:
I've been noticing a few of my friends have started to dis include me in a lot of events. "Amy, you're not the most amazing person ever. You can't be expected to go to everything." I know that, but it's started to become a trend in their behavior too...The people that I used to be close to don't want to speak to me and I can't figure out why. I don't believe I've hurt anyone or said anything. I just wonder what's wrong. These people were really nice and a lot of fun when I first met them, but it's starting to take a toll. Well, you would expect that after awhile. Not every friend stays together. The important friends are the ones who are still here. =)

It's been 3 days since school ended for me and I've lost 3 lbs. Oh snap!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Day of School!

Yes! That's right! Today, we FINALLY ended!. (Technically, we have 2 more days left, but those are half days so they don't really count...) I'm so glad that this year is over...I can honestly say, I hate this school year more than any other year I've ever experienced. I didn't have any social problems this year. I've made a couple dozen new friends! However, I had really bad home experiences with my family and the math honors thing at the beginning of the year was my ultimate low.

There's one thing I'm worried of. My parents are grumpy oiejlsflsdx especially during summer while I'm free. In fact, I had more freedom at home when I'm in school than when I'm out of it! I get the mornings all to myself, but when my dad comes home at 3 PM everyday, the rest of the day is dedicated to listening to their orders. My cousin said, "You're a teenager. Your brain just wants to rebel." I just don't believe that. As I get older, I understand that not everything that my parents say makes sense. As my parents get older, well, they get angrier. Ahhh...

WELL BACK TO THE POINT, today, the French kids got to go to Petit Robert Bistro which was a really good restaurant! It's small, but the food is really good! We started with the appetizers: Bread&butter, smoked salmon, SNAILS, mussels, and pate! Surprisingly, snails taste great! They don't taste very different from anything else...I don't understand why people make fun of snails so much! =P After that, we got to choose our main plates. I chose a roasted duck with a side of potatoes and broccoli! =) Then, we shared chocolate mousse, creme brulee, and an apple tart!

At the end, Kenneth gave Ms. Brun a card and she started crying! So sweet! :)

I got to say. The beginning of this school year was rough. I made friends, but at home, I wasn't happy...Now, at the end of the school year, I can say that it has been a good year...from January + anyway. =)

Favorite Teachers of the Year:

These teachers need to keep it up...They've been amazing to me.

Well guys, now to start the summer session.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big WoW News!

Yea, another WoW related post...

Well anyways, my guild, Darkest Legacy, disbanded. We were having a lot of inside trouble with the guild and the different opinions of the members. So as a result, a group of them did a mass disband and the guild master is returning back to the horde...

My plan:
Since I now have two level 80s, the druid is staying alliance as a Night Elf because I don't want her to be a Tauren. LOL. The warlock is going to be a blood elf because they're deliciously smexy. =) Then I have on of each faction and elf!

All I can really say is...I'm disappointed. I've been in this guild for almost an entire year and to see them splitting is difficult as I have to split myself into two pieces. I've never had as much fun playing WoW until this year when I met these guys. Before, I had guilds and played WoW extremely, but it was...alone. I sound loser-like, but I'm serious! The people make WoW even more amazing than it already is. When I met DL, I had such a good time with them. So, I'm disappointed that they won't be together.

I'm kind of happy that I'm going back to horde because all my favorite WoW songs are told by the horde's prospective...LOL. However, I've never made this many friends outside the guild before on alliance...actually, i've met a lot of people on alliance that are really cool on my lock! ...I guess I'll tell them to forward a message to my druid >>> Lol. I'm sure I'll meet some cool people on horde too...I just hope they'll love me too!

Another big point is, I'll always play my lock more than my druid so...I won't be able to see Odius and Boomshine as much. lol...unless they gank me. >.> That's not the main point though! I'm just sad...siiiigh.

Pros of being Horde:
-Winning every BG possible (80% of the time)
-Gears look niceeee
-Lots of raids going on

Pros of being Alliance:

-Causal and fun
-Lots of nice people <3
-More events going on