Thursday, May 27, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

If you haven't heard of these people, that's probably in your best interest...

However, this church believes in homophobia. They also believe that the troops sent to wars are "fags" and that they deserve to die. They also believe that other religions are horrible and they are racist. In fact, I have no idea why they have "baptist" in their name. It's disgusting and a disgrace to Jesus Christ himself.

Moving on to the matter at hand, Westboro Baptist Church is coming to BLS on June 7 for half an hour to protest the "fag-infested school." I have already made a large facebook event that will be counter protesting their's. We are not going to engage with any of the Westboro members. We're just going to do simple things. Here's a list that people have gathered:

-Drawing hearts, peace symbols, and love all over the sidewalks of school.
-Singing Lady GaGa
-Hold hands/hug a member of the same sex
-Wear rainbow colors to school

I am speaking to the Gay/Straight Alliance and the Humanitarian Initiative to find our more on how to meet up and have each other all on the same page. We want this to be affective, but organized. We wouldn't want to get in trouble with the school. We also want this to be a peaceful protest. Westboro has no love; we do.

I know that Mooney-Teta told us that ignoring them is the best idea. Logically, that makes sense. Logically, it also makes sense that it is difficult for anyone to just pass by them without doing something. Showing off our school pride is a wonderful idea to counter them.

More ideas are brewing!

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