Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have moved!

Hey guys! I've moved to a new blog to make things easier for myself x)


You'll start seeing updates there instead.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Today, I went to Plymouth for the 4th of July during the day. Every year, my aunt invites us to go down there and chillax. I invited Davin along because he'll be leaving to the Air Force in TX on the 6th. He'll be down there for training and won't really be back in MA until February 2011...So you can imagine how much I'll miss him in the meantime. Davin has known me for...almost 6 to 7 years! He's my brother's best friend and I can't say he liked me when he first met me (I was a complete brat as a child), but now we're very good friends ourselves.

Anyways, we got to go to the beach in Plymouth which was very nice! It wasn't a legitimate beach since it was really just a large lake, but it was still fun! We had some good times and it was the first time that I wore a bikini. Oddly enough, I didn't feel like I had a problem taking off my cover up. You hear that most girls who first wear their bikinis are very nervous about how their body will look. Well, I already knew all my trouble spots, but if you look down the beach, not a single girl isn't wearing a bikini! It helped boost my confidence that I shouldn't feel awkward since everyone else is doing it anyways. Not to mention, not every girl who wears that bikini has a perfect body, but they just enjoy themselves and that's the most important part. I did enjoy myself. =)

Later, we had ribs for dinner. <3

Though we didn't get to see fireworks, we did have a good time and that's the important part! I think I'll be going to Davin's house tomorrow to say an official goodbye.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Craving the Beach!

Normally, I'm the kind of girl you'd find under a hat with long sleeves covering my skin to keep me white...Well, you could say I've changed. I began to wear shorts and a lot more T-shirts to embrace the summer weather! I don't mind getting tan, but I'm still not trying to be tan if you follow. =p Anyways, I'm glad I've come out of a shell. Honestly, I used to avoid wearing shorts because I was super self conscious of my legs. I think I've already told this story, but one day, I looked into a mirror and said, "you know what, I don't care what other people think." It's a positive and helpful way for me to look past my insecurities and keep moving forward.

I haven't swam in practically three whole years! I was really excited when I heard that my friends are joining the YMCA to go swimming more often and hey, with swimming comes the beach. Yesterday, I ran out and bought a swimsuit for $9.90 at H&M. They are currently having a deal on around five different patterns for $4.95 a piece! =) I couldn't deny the deal. You know, it's true what they say. You don't know if a swimsuit looks good on you until you try it on! I thought all the patterns were mediocre when I saw it on my own self, it actually looked very pretty and I bought it after cruising the entire mall for the best deals. I'm really in a money rut so I needed something pretty and cheap! There's no place to get that than H&M. =) I've become a dramatic fan of their store. I'll probably post pictures later of the suit. It's a bikini with multicolored stripes! Oh, 2 pairs of sunglasses for $10. What a steal! Wahahaha

Since July 4th is coming up, I'll be spending the day at my cousin's house at Quincy which is right in front of a beach. Maybe we can crack out the soleil? =) I also would love to go with my friends.

Now for the reflection corner:
I've been noticing a few of my friends have started to dis include me in a lot of events. "Amy, you're not the most amazing person ever. You can't be expected to go to everything." I know that, but it's started to become a trend in their behavior too...The people that I used to be close to don't want to speak to me and I can't figure out why. I don't believe I've hurt anyone or said anything. I just wonder what's wrong. These people were really nice and a lot of fun when I first met them, but it's starting to take a toll. Well, you would expect that after awhile. Not every friend stays together. The important friends are the ones who are still here. =)

It's been 3 days since school ended for me and I've lost 3 lbs. Oh snap!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Day of School!

Yes! That's right! Today, we FINALLY ended!. (Technically, we have 2 more days left, but those are half days so they don't really count...) I'm so glad that this year is over...I can honestly say, I hate this school year more than any other year I've ever experienced. I didn't have any social problems this year. I've made a couple dozen new friends! However, I had really bad home experiences with my family and the math honors thing at the beginning of the year was my ultimate low.

There's one thing I'm worried of. My parents are grumpy oiejlsflsdx especially during summer while I'm free. In fact, I had more freedom at home when I'm in school than when I'm out of it! I get the mornings all to myself, but when my dad comes home at 3 PM everyday, the rest of the day is dedicated to listening to their orders. My cousin said, "You're a teenager. Your brain just wants to rebel." I just don't believe that. As I get older, I understand that not everything that my parents say makes sense. As my parents get older, well, they get angrier. Ahhh...

WELL BACK TO THE POINT, today, the French kids got to go to Petit Robert Bistro which was a really good restaurant! It's small, but the food is really good! We started with the appetizers: Bread&butter, smoked salmon, SNAILS, mussels, and pate! Surprisingly, snails taste great! They don't taste very different from anything else...I don't understand why people make fun of snails so much! =P After that, we got to choose our main plates. I chose a roasted duck with a side of potatoes and broccoli! =) Then, we shared chocolate mousse, creme brulee, and an apple tart!

At the end, Kenneth gave Ms. Brun a card and she started crying! So sweet! :)

I got to say. The beginning of this school year was rough. I made friends, but at home, I wasn't happy...Now, at the end of the school year, I can say that it has been a good year...from January + anyway. =)

Favorite Teachers of the Year:

These teachers need to keep it up...They've been amazing to me.

Well guys, now to start the summer session.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big WoW News!

Yea, another WoW related post...

Well anyways, my guild, Darkest Legacy, disbanded. We were having a lot of inside trouble with the guild and the different opinions of the members. So as a result, a group of them did a mass disband and the guild master is returning back to the horde...

My plan:
Since I now have two level 80s, the druid is staying alliance as a Night Elf because I don't want her to be a Tauren. LOL. The warlock is going to be a blood elf because they're deliciously smexy. =) Then I have on of each faction and elf!

All I can really say is...I'm disappointed. I've been in this guild for almost an entire year and to see them splitting is difficult as I have to split myself into two pieces. I've never had as much fun playing WoW until this year when I met these guys. Before, I had guilds and played WoW extremely, but it was...alone. I sound loser-like, but I'm serious! The people make WoW even more amazing than it already is. When I met DL, I had such a good time with them. So, I'm disappointed that they won't be together.

I'm kind of happy that I'm going back to horde because all my favorite WoW songs are told by the horde's prospective...LOL. However, I've never made this many friends outside the guild before on alliance...actually, i've met a lot of people on alliance that are really cool on my lock! ...I guess I'll tell them to forward a message to my druid >>> Lol. I'm sure I'll meet some cool people on horde too...I just hope they'll love me too!

Another big point is, I'll always play my lock more than my druid so...I won't be able to see Odius and Boomshine as much. lol...unless they gank me. >.> That's not the main point though! I'm just sad...siiiigh.

Pros of being Horde:
-Winning every BG possible (80% of the time)
-Gears look niceeee
-Lots of raids going on

Pros of being Alliance:

-Causal and fun
-Lots of nice people <3
-More events going on

Sunday, May 30, 2010

To my Future

Dear My Future,

I know you're going to be here eventually. I think I've been waiting all my life for you to come around and pop up. Are you behind a bush? A tree? Maybe, you've got Potter's invisible cloak?...Okay, bad pop culture reference. I'm sorry that I must have burned your eyes reading this.
Well anyways, Mr. Future, I've been working up a list of questions about what's going on with you:
1.) How will I look like in the future?
I hate to be vain, but it's kind of odd. I can tell what other people look like 10 years from their age, but for some reason, the mirror just won't let me vision myself...Is it because my mentality is blocking out what will be expected of me? Maybe. Will my skin improve? Will it get worse? Will I have a freak accident damaging parts of my body? Will I experience a break up so bad that I binge for weeks or not eat at all? Maybe.
2.) Will I ever marry?
I always expect to. I'm sure that every woman does have that expectancy, but you know, not all women who want to marry get married. Will I end up using a dating site? Will I have to settle with someone who loves me, but I don't really love them? I'd hate for that to happen. I expect myself to get married. In fact, I know, eventually, someone will come strolling along and we'll connect. I just don't want that sort of time to be late. You know, late for me to have kids. Just saying. Which follows up to my next question...
3.) Will I have kids?
I want to eventually, but I don't want to be some sort of single mother. I think that job is too difficult and the child just doesn't get the same experience when their parents aren't together. I want to have a husband who will be father potential and children who aren't brats. I'll beat my kids, but I don't know when it will become too much or too little. Their entire life starts to shape when they're toddlers. I have to treat them in between to get the best results...I just don't know.
4.) Will I be successful? Will I accomplish some goals? Make money?
With enough effort, I'll become a dermatologist like I wanted to be. With extreme effort, I might land an acting role here and there...Yet, science has never been my core subject. Acting is out of range in American media for Asians.

Dear Amy,
I guess you'll figure out when I get there, eh? I mean, you can't expect me to spill all the beans. You got to do a lot of work for yourself!
To be honest though child, you know, I'm always changing. When you change, so do I. Let's say this, if something happens to me on the journey, when I finally get there, you'll see what I'm like. Sorry to say this Amy, but there isn't an answer to your future. You just got to figure it out when it finally arrives--when I do. Hell, when I do, we should go out and drink (mountain dew cause that stuff is dope) to your success. I'm not saying you're going to become some elite dermatologist or world renowned actress, but I'm saying we should drink to your small successes. You'll rescue a life, cook a meal that your sweetie will love, buy a dress that makes you look hot, paint your nails a bright color to make your mood happier, and just give your friend a hug. That's all you really need out of me. That's all I can really guarantee. You know why? It's because those things are what make you happy now. In the future, they can change. I'm saying we should constantly be drinking to your success because you're always doing something worth remembering.

Your Future

This was a bit of a random post. Kind of like a pep talk to myself and just being random in the night.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

If you haven't heard of these people, that's probably in your best interest...

However, this church believes in homophobia. They also believe that the troops sent to wars are "fags" and that they deserve to die. They also believe that other religions are horrible and they are racist. In fact, I have no idea why they have "baptist" in their name. It's disgusting and a disgrace to Jesus Christ himself.

Moving on to the matter at hand, Westboro Baptist Church is coming to BLS on June 7 for half an hour to protest the "fag-infested school." I have already made a large facebook event that will be counter protesting their's. We are not going to engage with any of the Westboro members. We're just going to do simple things. Here's a list that people have gathered:

-Drawing hearts, peace symbols, and love all over the sidewalks of school.
-Singing Lady GaGa
-Hold hands/hug a member of the same sex
-Wear rainbow colors to school

I am speaking to the Gay/Straight Alliance and the Humanitarian Initiative to find our more on how to meet up and have each other all on the same page. We want this to be affective, but organized. We wouldn't want to get in trouble with the school. We also want this to be a peaceful protest. Westboro has no love; we do.

I know that Mooney-Teta told us that ignoring them is the best idea. Logically, that makes sense. Logically, it also makes sense that it is difficult for anyone to just pass by them without doing something. Showing off our school pride is a wonderful idea to counter them.

More ideas are brewing!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Future club plans!

After BLS Asian Night last friday, I'm inspired to join the BLS dance club and ASIA. :) It looks like a lot of fun and it's probably a great workout. <3 Definitely excited for next year! Here's my list:
Japanese Language/Culture Club
BLS dance club
Red Cross/Recycling club (whichever seems more productive!)


My friend Eva told me that volleyball will accept anyone who joins...but that doesn't mean that they play! Lol. I thought this was a good idea at first, but then I reconsidered it. Actually, it wouldn't be fair to the good members of the team who actually put effort. If I play a sport long enough, I'll get better at it with practice. However, I don't want people who do not work as hard as I do to get the same amount of credit/profit.
I might choose tennis because I used to really like playing! I joined Tennacity 4 yeas ago (tennis summer program) and I got to intermediate level in just 4 hour days for 10 days. I'm sure that if I kept playing, I could go pro! :D but no...I stopped and I feel bad about it! Actually, I'd love to hop back into tennis. It was fun while it lasted!
I want to join track purely to get a good leg workout. I need to lose all the flab and gain some muscle! The problem with the track team at BLS is that they work everyday. With my club schedule, I won't have that opportunity. Besides, working on track everyday is extremely strenuous and uncalled for especially since I'm a slow runner! That's why it's #3 on the list...

Anyways, I'll consider my other opportunities later. I also will be job hunting once my birthday rolls around! I'll finally be legible for more concrete jobs! Thank goodness. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Report Card for T4...

WELL, grades finally came back from the Term 4: March + April.

WORLD HISTORY: A (went up!)
LATIN 3: B+ (went down!)
ADV. ALGEBRA: B- (went down!)

I tried to talk to Mr. Mummalo about my Latin grade and he said, "DON'T BE SUCH A GRADE GRUBBER!" ...really? Who uses that term anymore? >.> Anyways, I was really disappointed. I expected that I was getting an A for the term! I guess the B- I got on the very last test pushed me down...That makes me sad.

As for Algebra, I've been getting straight Bs on all his tests. One test, I messed up the directions completely and ended up with a D on that one which brought me to a B. Honestly, I'm pretty good at math, but for some reason, my mind just doesn't want to listen anymore for these last few months...I keep making all these careless mistakes and my attention span must have hit rock bottom or something! Summer can do that to you...

As for World History, Mr. Bernazzani appreciates my efforts. :)

In French class, I truthfully deserve a D or so. The last two tests she gave were completely abominable. Everyone failed them! BUT, she's biased. I volunteer everyday and I even still attended the French play after my eye surgery! Therefore, she loves me. :)

It's kind of odd for me to get an A- in declamation...Since I've come to BLS, I've always gotten A+ because I do really awesome declamations. I discovered a passion for acting! However, being the "professionals" that Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Gray claim to be, the will look out for the slightest pinch of a mistake and drop me to an A-. It's better than getting a B, that's for sure. However, I honestly expect A+s to appear. Oh well, that's what next year is for.

Speaking of English, I have never hated English class...until this school year. I used to love writing and reading. We'd share ideas, learn new terms, and just have a fun and relaxed class. English class this year has been more about lectures from Mrs. Gray. Not only does she ignore my achievements and efforts, but she talks down on all of us every single day. I can handle once a week lectures...not every class. In fact, Mr. Robinson made class much more fun. He also was more realistic. I'm so glad we have 2 months left of school...That way, I can say good bye to her antics. I'm not going to say she is a bad person...she's just a bad teacher.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

GEO lenses XCM-214 in Brown (review)

Wahahaha! Finally a review! This has been long awaited by a few people that have requested that I write a review on these lenses. Sorry I wasn't able to do it early of last week. I actually had eye surgery to remove stys. (Large oil build up in eyelids. They caused intense pain!) In fact, I couldn't even wear my lenses until I could get these stys removed! Well anyway, it only took a week for me to heal completely. :) Which is a good sign! OKAY! ON TO THE REVIEW:

To your left is a close up of the lenses. GEO XCM-214 in Brown has a diameter of 14.8

Enlargement: 10/10. Where did the whites of my eyes go?!
Color: 7/10. You get what you see. They're dark brown and more visible in light.
Comfortable: 10/10. NO PAIN! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjibGkWZGoqNs0LveCJiu1lxvkkiH1t3fLK3YTYZLFF_DH5CXSHwEJON-9WehyqWc9MQM_SxKeetfL0QNhXbCDOC4obf-dyMSpCq0H61_A2nL6cKGlMw5Kx5re9R_2qflWtCKeOXdHtpL4d/s1600/IMG_0114.JPG">(Pretty bad photo...lol.)
Anyways, you can see how brown they are! In natural light:
They look a little gray/brown. Hehe!

In conclusion, their color is okay! If you're looking for more color though, you probably should check out the rest of GEO's stuff.

Normally when I wear lenses, I always feel funny and it's like a feel something on my eye...I know that isn't supposed to happen and these are first pair to tell me so!

These are definitely lenses I would recommend. In fact, I would recommend any of GEO's products!

Where did I get these lenses?
Rating: 7/10

This seller sells them for $16 total. Yes, that's right. $16. The problem with this though is that she one mans the entire site and therefore, shipping takes 2-3 months! So if you can wait, I suggest this site. If not, find a different site. There are sites that sell the lenses for $20 with a case and ship 2-3 weeks later. I'm just too cheap to do so...Anyways, I already got a case! =P Though she only supplies GEO, she has the latest GEO products and GEO is a very trusted brand. :) I might try a different one later...

Well anyways, that concludes this review! Have a sweet week. :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Friday & Saturday Reminiscence

After school on Friday, I met up with my friend Clarbear. :) He's my friend from the guild on WoW and we just hanged out. He's leaving for AZ on Tuesday so I wanted to say good bye before he left! I left around 5:40 PM from Prudential Centre so I could catch a train back to school for Music Night. The weather was also really warm! It normally doesn't hit 70 degrees at the beginning of May/end of April. So, I took advantage and wore plaid shorts (one of the two things I own from AE! They're really comfortable too) with black leggings underneath. I always find my outfits to be really colorful. Maybe it's because of my shoes? (They've got like 8 colors going on...)

On Friday, it was Music Night at my school which is when the bands in the music wing (7th grade, 8th grade, junior, senior, jazz etc.) perform for parents, faculty, and friends! It happens twice a school year and it is a major event because everyone works months in ahead to prepare pieces. It lasted from 7 PM to around 9:30 PM. I played 1st clarinet for the junior band that day and it was a lot of fun! I made 3 squeaks, but I doubt anyone noticed...(Hopefully).

I was wearing a green dress with white heels. Normally, people always wear something black and white, but I chose this dress mainly out of laziness...I was too lazy to go looking for a black skirt and wearing a long black skirt on such a warm afternoon didn't work for me! I thought I would be the odd one out, but some other girls wore colorful floral dresses while the others wore the usual getup! Honestly, I wouldn't have minded if I was the only girl in color. Sure, I'd look like I wasn't paying attention during attire directions, but that doesn't bother me. :) I'd just to have pwn them with my clarinet skills!

After we performed, I chilled on the 3rd floor with my friend Eva. We sat around eating Chinese food and doing some last minute homework. I always run around the 3rd floor without shoes during Music Night. 1.) No one is up there. 2.) It's just not a comfortable life in heels...Anyway, we had fun just chilling out upstairs!

Yesterday was my friend Melly's birthday party and it was pokemon themed. :) It was a lot of fun! We used small water guns and started spraying each other in the 70 degree weather so it was definitely refreshing in her yard! Also, Melly decorated pokeballs with her sister, Lucia, the day before and we played pokemon trivia. (of course she would win...:) ) We mainly sat around lazily and chatted! Her birthday cake and the cupcakes were AMAZING. They were decorated like huge pokeballs!!! Oh the jealousy...and the cake was absolutely delicious! Normally, I don't like to eat normal baked cakes and only satisfy with ice cream cakes...but it was so good I had to eat it...and when I got home, I wasn't surprised to see that I gained a few pounds. :) So, it was a great day.

During Saturday, I also wore white shorts. I really like wearing shorts? Noo, not really. I just rarely find the opportunity to! Actually, I'm really self conscious about the size of my legs, but I recently had an intervention while looking in the mirror: I'm not in bad shape. In fact, I'm still skinny. My family normally jokes with me about being fat, and it's not supposed to get me down...but maybe psychology had its way with me and I felt indirectly affected to lose weight? Now, whatever! I'm fine the way I am and I do believe I need to work out to gain muscle--not to lose weight. So now, I wear skirts or shorts whenever the weather hits 70! Hopefully, I'll be able to go to the beach this year too. Haven't been there in forever!

Boston, MA is completely out of water. How? From what I heard, a pipe accidentally broke and the chemicals were mixed in with the ENTIRE water supply of the city and other towns near it. Omg. We have to boil all the water we use which means no baths, no washing dishes, not water powered machinery...We live in a city of scientists! Does the city really expect us citizens to just sit back and drink beer like the 1600s? No. Now the super markets are going crazy; they're running out of bottled water! In fact, my family bought 5 packs! Damn...

I also have one request to post a review about my circle lenses. (XCM214.) They are the dark brown 14.8 circle lens from GEO, but recently, GEO came out with colored version of 14.8 and 14.7 black circle lens!!! Anyways, I'll get around to that review during next week. Pictures and possibly a video! ( if I'm not lazy >.>)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hit lvl 80!!

World of Warcraft related post!

I was working on my alt character, Savyna and she hit lvl 80 on Sunday! Hip hip hurray! :)
Server: Shadowmoon (Alliance)
Lvl 80 Amykinz gnome warlock
Lvl 80 Savyna Night Elf druid. (resto/feral dps)

I used to be horde, but my guild Darkest Legacy faction changed because there are way too many d-bag horde members on our server. :( Anyways, this gave them a chance to do some proper ganking. I also have a few on my hit list...

Anyways, yesterday I grinded for every single heroic except for Halls of Reflection. (Can I really even try to attempt that for a 3k gear score? Not even!) The elemental shaman practically helped me heal through Pit of Saron. I caught him chain healing during the last boss! Can't complain; at least I got the staff from the last boss. :) Well anyway, you can imagine how terribly tired I was by the end of the day...I went to bed at 11:33 PM and fell right asleep.

My guild mates also hit lvl 80 with me on Sunday: Derum and Zeplike. I assume these two know each other in real life. Derum makes fun of me all the time LOL. Zeplike is very nice though! Druid power :D

I feel like I've really bonded with the guild for the past week. I've talked on vent and guild chat a lot. I've also grouped up with my mates many times for heroics and a few times for raids. I love 'em. :)

On an unrelated note, I watched Lord of the Rings: Fellowship on Sunday night also. Ahhhh. I was AMAZED! I watched once when I was around 8 years old so I had no idea what was going on. Now, I understand very much and I just appreciate it even more. In fact, my dreams were full of epic battles of Middle Earth...I even woke up twice because I thought there were arrows being shot at me LOL. When I close my eyes, I see Orlando Bloom's delicious Elvin locks. Ahhh~!

Reading the above post, I feel extremely nerdy. LOL

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quick Teasing!

So after cutting my hair, I didn't waste any time! I looked through lots of hair teasing videos to achieve visual kei hair, scene hair, and crazy Asian hair sprinkled with awesomeness! Tomorrow, I have declamation so I plan on doing a simple teasing. :D
Here is a wonderful user with great visual kei hair tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/cakdel
Watching her videos really gave me the inspiration to tease and so I learned! The problem with teasing is obviously the fact that your purposely making your hair full of knots for the exchange of volume! This would be pretty problematic...Also, teasing requires you to move the comb very quickly which could cause you to snap at your hair causing breakage and the uneventful split ends! Be careful!

Right now, my throat feels very...throaty? In other words, I feel sick. I noticed everyone in school has been down with at least one illness. I had an itchy throat, then a throat filled with mucus, and then a dry throat, and then a stuffy nose, and then it's back to a dry throat again.../Sigh. This happens at the beginning of spring every year! It gets annoying and it doesn't help that everyone else has the same problem around here. :( That also refers back to declamation...How am I supposed to enunciate with a dry throat?! Ahhhh, the horrible timing!!! Drats!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

AB & Hair cut!

I'm so late! Here's a picture of the dress that I wore for Anime Boston:
It was really comfortable and I really liked the lace designs all over it. :) As for my makeup and hair, I just curled it in the morning and used simple black eyeshadow on my lids and under my eyes. When I left the convention center, SO many people gave me odd looks! (laughs) I passed by a 3 year old with her mom and she said, "Look Mommy! It's a real kitty!" She was referring to my cat ears!!! Best 3 year old ever.

Anyways, I had such a wonderful time! I glomped so many pokemon like a true fangirl! :) It was definitely the best AnimeBoston I've ever had. I even met one of the best World of Warcraft players in the world! He's one of the smartest men that walk the planet and he's hilarious! His wife must be lucky! Wahaha! So, he gave us tips on how to play our warlocks and I copied his talent tree for destruction. He's practically God in my eyes....The saddest part is I don't even remember his name...(Dies)

Onto the next topic:

I cut my own hair! Yes that's right! I followed this brilliant youtuber, x3haha, at cutting a mullet hairstyle! I also went ahead and started snipping at my hair and added some bangs!

Wahaha! This was me snipping my bangs last night. Here is this morning when I cut the mullet:
Well, this is an okay example. I promise it looks more like a leaf in real life! :)
This is the first time I've ever cut my hair by myself so I'm extremely satisfied compared to my old hair where I just clip a section up and call it bangs! Ahahaha...Anyways, I'm very happy with the result. It's not a perfect mullet; it's still very choppy and the layers aren't super distinctive from each other, but that's okay! I'll do better next time (maybe).

Here is a link to x3haha's video on how to cut the mullet. It takes her around 5 minutes...It took me 1 hour and 30 minutes! LOL. Well, what can I say? I have think hair! ;D (excuses excuses...) By the way, my hair is shorter than her's, but she's very concise and it's such an easy tutorial! Definitely my new favorite hair guru!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


My excitement is jumping off the walls right now! I'm packing my supplies for tomorrow and all my junk! :) (Extreme happiness!)

On a side note, I bought Covergirl Lashblast Mascara and Covergirl smokyshadow blast in Onyx Smoke yesterday.

Covergirl Lastblast Mascara:
This is by far the best mascara I have ever used before! In fact, you don't even need to curl your lashes before using this. It's just amazing on its own. Also, there's no clumping! I also like the case. It's not difficult to remove either! The one problem is that you need to stay away from water or else it'll smear all over! Of course, that applies to non-waterproof mascaras of any type. This is just the best one I've used so far!
This product is pretty famous and I think it's one of Covergirl's most prized products. A lot of celebs swear by this mascara and a lot of reviewers tend to like it too! I'm certainly one of them. :)

I really liked the feel of the smokyshadow blasts. The nice thing about this is that it's packed like lipstick for your eyes! You turn the tube and more comes out! :) The colors glide on very nicely and they look pretty together. The only problem is that if you put a lot of force into it, you might end up breaking the stick, so don't use too much force with these sticks.

These are a nice and easy way to do your eyes very quickly. It doesn't take any brush and it's so quick and painless! :) You can carry it anywhere without it even looking like makeup. in fact, it looks like a duel-wielded crayon!

Back to business! Anime Boston! Yes! I'll soon post pictures of the dress and a few cosplayers that I will be seeing tomorrow <3 Fun stuff!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting Ready for AB!

Yesss! I know, I know. It's still 3 weeks away, but I can't contain my excitement!

Anime Boston is a large New England anime convention hosted in Boston, MA. I've attended every convention for 3 years and this will be my 4th time going there! Anime conventions have always been excitement for me :). I love looking at the cosplayers and being able to make friends with everyone at the convention! It seems that everyone who goes is almost a part of a long distance family. Not to mention, it's a huge convention center which means that there is always a lot of people.

This year, I will be in a brand new gothic lolita dress. Last year, I dressed in black with white ribbons which I got from an ebay seller for $38. This year, I got a beautiful white dress with black ribbons and lace trimmings for $12!! :) I'm very happy. I definitely suggest ebay for any sort of costumes that you might want. I also use ebay to shop for Korean/japanese inspired clothing. It's a lot cheaper than the brandname websites, but they look the same!

As for hair and makeup, I will be putting my hair up in nice himegyaru curls~! For makeup, I will be following Michelle Phan's Tim Burton look on YT. If you haven't seen Michelle Phan's videos, you're missing ou on a lot of life! :) (www.youtube.com/user/MichellePhan) She's extremely inspirational and has changed my view on makeup.

Now on to the topic of SHOES....I don't want to have to resort to silver sandals with a pure white dress...

I also need a pair of thigh high socks...hmmm....

Lots of thinking to do! Ah well, I've got 3 weeks. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Stys

For almost 3 years, I've had stys on my eyelids. Stys are caused by either oily skin, makeup, or contacts. Generally, my family have had stys before, but they were temporary. Stys can go away on their own after a certain amount of time. If stys do show up, it is advised to use a warm compress against the area twice a day.

However, I have had my stys for 2 whole years without going to see a doctor. It's too late for me to use compresses for it to go away--I need minor surgery.

I've never had surgery before so you can imagine how scared I am. Stys don't impair your vision, but they do create big ugly bumps on your eyes. I do want the surgery, but I'm also afraid of what could happen. I know it's just minor surgery, but I'm still afraid. After the doctor's visit, I immediately started crying for a hard hour. My mom was there trying to ease my mood, but it didn't work.

I just thought about all that could go wrong. I thought about how much I wanted this surgery because of a materialistic reason that they're "ugly." Am I really that obsessed with vanity that I would pay money to get these off my face? Am I really the type to care so much about public opinion that I would cause myself potential blindness for a chance of clear eyes?

The answer is: yes. I am admitting to myself that I am doing this for vanity reasons, but I'm also doing this out of fear. Sometimes, when stys stretch, they can cause small twangs of pain--almost close to the pain of a contact lense that is inserted incorrectly. I don't want my stys to also become infected. If that were to happen, I would be in larger trouble than I already am now. Almost as an intervention, I can rest assured that my reasons for clearing my stys are not for just vanity. They are for the pure amount of health concerns...

Yet, that doesn't push away my edging fear of surgery...

I know that people survive surgery all the time and since this is a minor case, it won't have as many problems or potential injuries, but who can blame me for being scared? There's nothing to do, but let those anesthetics take me over so it can be done with.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Selling Used Books! :)

I've finished quite an amount of books and here are the list I am willing to sell back to you. The pricing for each book does not include shipping. If you live within the Boston area, shipping is free! Compare my prices to any store. I'm cheaper! :D Information on Each Book: -The pricing is not more than what I paid for it. - They are ALL in hard cover unless stated otherwise. - They are ALL in new - good condition. - I really like all of them. :)

Dear John Nicholas Sparks $14.00

I still Have It...I just Cant Remember Where I Put It Rita Rudner $10.00

Longitude Dava Sobel $10.00

Obedience Will Lavender $14.00

Rocket Boys Homer H. Hickam Jr. (Paperback) $12.00

The Color of Water James McBride (Paperback) $11.00

The Darker Side Cody McFadyen $14.00

The Lovely Bones 14.00

The Wednesday Letters Jason F. Wright $10.00

True Detectives Jonathan Kellerman $10.00

Very Valentine Adriana Trigiani $11.00

What I did for Love - Susan Elizabeth Phillips $14.00

Use www.borders.com to search descriptions of each book and tell me if you're interested. Also, check out that pricing and compare it! :) If you are interested in a book, e-mail me at aznangel421356@yahoo.com or send me a facebook message!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Haircut...

I got a haircut :( Extremely disppointed...
My mom told me that I could finally get what I want: full frontal bangs and lots of layers while keeping my length...but when my stylist was JUST about to cut my bangs, she said, "are you SURE?" At that point, I started to doubt what I wanted and she was becoming a great influence over my mother.
At the end, I got long angled bangs, long layers, and a random fringe...(Sad face) Did I mention she chopped 2 inches off my hair? I didn't realize 2 inches was that much. -_- I'm not one of those lucky people who grow an inch every month. I grow 7 inches in a whole year ~_~ ughughgughgugh.
By the end of march, I intend to go to a different salon and get the bangs that I want and the layers that I want. :( Now my hair falls 2 inches past my shoulders and when it's this short, I can't curl it at all! I really wanted to be able to curl my hair during Anime Boston....it can't happen unless my hair suddenly grows back its missing 2 inches. :( Please please please grow.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Those Sudden Outbursts

Do you ever get those random moments where you want to just burst out in tears?

I'm not the typical adolescent who keeps whining about how f*cked up their life is because no life has the perfect family. Everyone has their problems, but the depth of those problems vary.

I'm a well off girl. I have a roof, clothes, time to spend on my hobbies...the good stuff. I have a great set of friends and family. Hell, I even have a flat iron!

Yet, sometimes, I get that feeling churning in my stomach where I want to sit down and close my eyes...reflect. Growing up isn't without its flaws. No one I know possesses only good qualities. Hearing other people's sadness is practically contagious. When my parents complain, I feel it too. When my friends pour to me their problems, I feel them.

So what am I really getting at? What am I trying to say? Well, I guess everyone should try to bring that small bit of happiness. You can't be perfect. You can't fake a smile. Even so, I realize it takes a lot more effort to stay unhappy than it is to be happy.

I suffered a time when I was at my lowest...Everything in my life was starting to blur. I started to forget what I was living for. You don't always need a reason to be depressed. You don't always have to have even a good reason to be depressed--it happens to everyone.

The most important thing is to be able to lift your chin high again and move forward. Life never stops, so why should you? I know that keeping your feet planted in the ground while still walking is hard to do. Yet, no one can make you walk. You control your feet. Tell them where to go. When you start walking, you finally notice the scenery around you. You finally notice those flowers and those butterflies standing tall next to you and they stretch out for miles and miles. It can always rain, but instead of standing there in the wet weather, find a warm shelter you can call a home.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shakespeare in Love

Ahhhhh!!!! What can I possibly say about this movie....It was beautiful and took my breath away.
I used to hate Shakespearean...His language, his style, but I believe the only reason why was that I listened to Shakespearean in class. His language sounds very different on a professionally trained actor compared to a fourteen year old boy with speech defect.
Besides that, this movie gave me a new view on Shakespeare. He's not the snobby playwriter I thought. He was an average man working his way up and wrote his plays from his heart...He truly was a glorious writer.
Not only that, but the movie was so beautiful. There's nothing I admire more than 1600 century Britain an any other historical livelihood! Both actors were very powerful and they were so good at what they were doing. By the end of the movie, I was crying...and I KEPT crying for literally, one whole hour! It was that amazing.
For anyone who hasn't seen this movie, it is definitely worth it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy MLK Day!

I was playing Dokapon Kingdom yesterday with my brother, Ben, and Davin. I remember playing once by myself a few months ago, but wasn't much fun. This game is definitely planned for a group because it kept our interests! Definitely reccomend it for a party !
You design a character and choose your class. Then, the set up is like an RPG boardgame. It sort of resembles the classic Mario Party, except with an anime and magical theme. It's also really cute!
Besides video games, I found a great way for really moisturized skin! (lolol.)
I used Bubzbeauty's acne/scar mask & toner. (Click to view!) I've used the toner for two days along with my regular moisturizer and my cheeks do feel very smooth! Can't say too much if it's actually done anything for acne just yet. :) She says that results will be noticeable in 2 weeks. Yes, I do intend to wait that long lol. It's just fun to brush over my face. Personally, I like the smell of apple cidar vinegar. ;) but yes, it's not something you'd want to walk out of the house with! (lol)
It's snowing up here! Too bad we don't get any days off. :( I doubt the superintendant will dare take another day off after her failed prediction of hefty ice.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Physical Appearance

Throughout the entire day, my mom has been pestering me about my acne. I have acne around my forehead and T-zone. I started getting acne in 5th grade and now that I'm a freshman in high school, I still have it. Products have never worked and neither have masks. Before, I was extremely stressed out about how my face looked and irritated my skin with plenty of different products. My mom told me to leave it alone and let time do its thing.

I finally came to terms with just leaving my acne alone because that seems to do the best trick. My mom, however, has completely changed her mind about that. She's been giving me all these half-assed products--gilette facial cleanser for men (did nothing), a bunch of CVS chemically branded crap, and a whole lot of POPPING. I told her nononononono because after YEARS of testing out my skin, I know what works best: time. Yet, my mom has decided to change her mind and throw me a bunch of crap.

Acne has started to play a large role in my tween and early teen years. I was stressed out and extremely insecure over my acne. Now that my insecurities have shifted away from my face, my mom is bringing them all back. She once never noticed my acne. Now, she can't stop talking about it. She's even pointed all the flaws in my body (which I took from her ironically.) I remember when my mom used to compliment my body a few years ago. Now all she can do is say something bad about it. My physical appearance as a whole had never been a problem to me until now. I've never felt so self-conscience over it.

I don't worry so much about looks during school because most of my class are my friends. Therefore, I'm not that consicous around them. Yet, I still try to hide these imperfections and I'm ashamed of it. I know I shouldn't, but having it suddenly pointed out to me makes me feel like I should.

At the end of the day, I still love my mother despite all the crap she gives me.

Now to start...

This will be my personal blog where I do random stuff. I'll record what goes on in my life and it's just nice to look back and see everything that's happened before just so you can see how far you've progressed all these years! Anyways, I miss blogging. :)

To get started, here are my current favorites/tidbits:
Favorite food as of now: sushi
Favorite snack as of now: peanut butter w/ bananas ;)
Favorite movie: Journey From the Fall
School: BLS
I play World of Warcraft. lvl 80 warlock Amykinz (alliance) @ shadowmoon

Yesterday, I went to see Avatar 3D, and it was pretty amazing. People say that the story runs around and isn't very indepth, but everyone has to agree that the picture is amazing. I think the story is pretty well rounded and the colors are amazing. During the entire movie, I was thinking "warcraft meets starcraft!" It was a great movie. Definitely worth watching for anyone who hasn't before!

Afterwards, we went to Toro. It's a Korean restaurant that I've been to before, but they were running especially slow today. Not only did we have a gratuity rate of 15%, waited one hour for our food to come, it was wildly expensive. The total bill was $95. We paid $80 and ran away. Mind you, I'm not the kind of person to do this. We had enough money, but we were pretty hungry and fed up (lol?) with their slow service. This was my first dine n dash experience because peer pressure is a cruel cruel thing...